Friday, November 10, 2023



It's been five whole years since last I wrote. Many things have happened. In the fall of 2015, I was admitted to the hospital for clinical depression, having suicidal thoughts and tendencies. I left the college of my dreams (fall 2015), only to return a semester later (fall 2016) and leave once again (spring 2017). I met a woman in college who I fell deeply in love with (fall 2016 through spring 2017). I changed directions and pursued trade school, with a focus on automotive mechanics (fall 2017). I dated the woman of my dreams for a significant time before proposing in the fall of 2018; then, by the summer of 2019, I married my best friend. 

It is now the spring of 2020. The return of the '20s has sure been...something. Most notably, as you all know, the world has been struck by a disease that will be forever known as Covid-19, or "the rona". My feelings on how bad this disease is is irrelevant, but even several months after people became aware of Covid-19, a heavy majority of humanity is still deathly afraid (literally) of this disease. Fear and panic has gripped the hearts of the people and has destroyed what sense of community and oneness we had. We, as a nation, are still wrestling with whether or not life should continue as it was before the disease hit, or if panic should be a new norm. It's still up in the air.

Anyway, so much has happened since I last wrote, but I started watching a show where the main character is an aspiring writer of romance novels, but is struggling to find a foothold. The relevant topic here is that I just want to get back into blogging more. It's comforting to me to be able to share my thoughts to people who might be interested. So, without any further delay, my next post next week will be about salvation and beliefs between denominations of the same religion. I was speaking with my wife on the subject and it got me thinking about the people who I know who are the topic of the discussion and how their views differ from my own (and boy, do I have differing views on some topics with people...but that's a whole different discussion for another post). As always, if you're reading this and want to say hi, or even encourage me to continue writing, please say so in the comments below. Any and all support helps. Till next time, friends.

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